Create a free account with photobucket
Go to the and click on the green color Join Now button.
In the next step, give a user name and a password and then click Next step button.
After creating your photobucket account you’ll be able to upload your images and videos you want to. Login to your photobucket account and click on the Choose files button. Select the files you want to upload to your photobuket account then click open.
How to add images to your blog?
Point the mouse to the image you want to add. Form the pop-up box click on the HTML Code box. Copy the link and past it in the exact place in your blog post editor window. Before you past the link make sure to select the Edit HTML tab on Blogger post editor window.
Add images and videos to your site form photobucket for free. Make your site more informative adding images and videos. Photobucket gives you more flexible features.